Faculty and Staff Directory

Profile type
  • Elliot Rouse

    Elliot Rouse

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Academic Advising

        • Academic Advisor

  • Profile photo of Steve Ryan

    Steve Ryan MS APR

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Professor of Instruction

  • Dana S

    Dana K. Saewitz

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Associate Professor of Instruction

  • Temple University Logo

    Chelsea Scruggs

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

        • Senior Department Tech Support Specialist

  • Karen Sensenig Gallagher

    Karen Sensenig Gallagher

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Office of the Dean

        • Assistant Dean for Development and Alumni Relations

  • Profile Picture of Adrienne Shaw

    Adrienne Shaw

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Temple University Logo

    Robin Shousky

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

        • Assistant Project and Planning Manager

  • Profile photo of Claire Smith

    Claire Smith

      • Claire Smith Center for Sports Media

        • Founding Executive Director

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Assistant Professor of Practice

  • Temple University Logo

    Lisa Smith

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Office Manager

  • Nisha Sridharan

    Nisha Sridharan

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Assistant Professor

  • Stains

    Laurence Stains

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Associate Professor of Practice

  • Amanda Stankiewicz

    Amanda Stankiewicz

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

        • Director of Communications

  • Trisha A Swed

    Trisha Swed

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Communication and Social Influence

        • Visiting Assistant Professor

    • Office Location
      WH 338

  • Meghnaa

    Meghnaa Tallapragada

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Assistant Professor

      • Media and Communication

  • Temple University Logo

    Nadiyah Timmons

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Student Success

        • Assistant Director of Recruitment

  • Vacker

    Barry Vacker

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Associate Professor of Instruction

  • Rob Velez

    Robert Velez

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

        • Director of Information Technology

  • Linn Washington

    Linn Washington Jr.

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Professor

  • Weatherston

    Kristine T Weatherston

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Media Studies and Production

        • Associate Professor of Instruction

  • Weinberger

    Bonnie Weinberger

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

        • Director of Development

  • Profile photo of Tracy Weiss

    Tracey Weiss

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Advertising and Public Relations

        • Associate Professor of Instruction

  • Andrea Wenzel

    Andrea D. Wenzel

    • Lew Klein College of Media and Communication

      • Journalism

        • Associate Professor

      • Media and Communication