
Study in London.

The Power of London Fall 2024 

Since 1969, Klein College has immersed students in London’s diverse cultural and social communities, dynamic urban spaces, its relationship to the rest of Europe and the city’s status as home to communications and corporate giants. In London on The Power of London program, Public Relations students will have the opportunity to expand on their main campus classroom experience and immerse themselves in topics and practices of importance to communicators including influencer communications, communications analytics, brands, ethics and law, the contemporary work environment and the communications practice in the U.K. They'll have the opportunity to explore the region, apply some analytical practices from the UK’s history, and check out beloved British brands.

That’s the Power of London. 

For more information, please check our program page.

Program Details

The Power of London is an educational experience built into the existing PR 3101 course "Digital Media, Social Media, Audience Analytics for Public Relations."

  • Students will meet on Main Campus in-person as a regularly scheduled course. During the week of fall break the students will travel to London for an immersive week of exploration and learning. This program can satisfy the required course for all Public Relations majors and minors.
  • Students receive a robust orientation ahead of their travel to London and can expect an introduction to the history and culture of the UK to be incorporated into their class meeting times on campus.

Sports Media in London: Sports Media, Management and Culture in the Global Marketplace Fall 7B 2025 

Dive into the international Culture of Sport with a unique twist on England and Europe's impact compared to the US! Discover the “Common Language of Sport,” see how American sports are taking over the world, and experience the thrill of English rivalries, passionate fans, and sports-driven lifestyles. Network with top sports industry pros in Philadelphia, NYC, and London—the ultimate sports hub! Students will interact with live and recorded sports media events, get behind-the-scenes on match promotions, and connect with club insiders. Don't miss this chance to turn your passion for sports into professional connections and unforgettable experiences! 

Program Details

Through this program, students will: 

  • Learn and recognize the cultural impact of sports on a community, specifically through a communication-oriented lens 
  • Learn and understand the role different fields of media and communication play as they relate to sports, culture, and individual and provincial identity  
  • Learn how to make connections in a rapidly moving and evolving industry   

Students will earn three credits in the program, which is structured as follows: 

  • Fall 7B course with travel to London over fall break  
  • Students will create a final project that connects the course themes and their own professional goals 


For more information about studying in London, England, contact the Klein GO team.
Phone: 215-204-2354