A person adding a thumbtack to a location on a world map.

Study Away

Transform your Education

Open yourself up to new challenges, experiences and perspectives. The Global Opportunities (GO) program at Klein College allows students to gain academic credit while acquiring real-world experience in the U.S. and internationally. GO programs enhance a student’s workforce marketability and cultivate global awareness within urban and multicultural environments.

Watch the video or explore the program options on the left to learn more about Klein College of Media and Communication Global Opportunities.

Benefits of Studying Away

Studying abroad will take students out of their comfort zone and provide access to incredible opportunities for cultural, intellectual and personal growth. Students who study abroad often report they feel better prepared to compete in today’s workforce, have gained valuable independence and self-confidence, and expanded their worldview. 

While you are building your portfolio, enhancing your résumé, making new friends and seeing the world, you will be also be developing cultural humility. Cultural humility helps us challenge our unconscious assumptions and biases and is highly valued and applicable within our diverse global economy.

Students that participate in GO at Klein College experience culture as well as their chosen field from a new perspective. GO provides three different types of study away opportunities. Students choose to

Contact Us

Global Opportunities
Klein College of Media and Communication
Annenberg Hall, Room 7
2020 N. 13th St.
Philadelphia PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-2354